A Beginner’s Guide to Pruning


Trees bring life to neighborhoods, lining the streets with green and filling yards with shade and character. Proper tree pruning is essential in promoting health, beauty and safety, ensuring scenes like this continue for years to come. Dead branches and limbs are not only unsightly, but they can also break off easily, causing accidental damage to whatever is nearby. This breakage also compromises the health of a tree, leaving room for disease or rot to set in.


Though the process of pruning may seem simple and straightforward, there is much to understand and learn before tackling the job yourself. Many homeowners have lopped off the wrong branches or too many of them. What was once fluttering aspen, now become trunks that may never recover.


Fortunately, it is easy to avoid disastrous situations like the poor aspen by calling in tree pruning experts. Professional arborists and landscape contractors have years of experience to draw from, as well the right equipment to provide accuracy and efficiency. Sharp tools, ropes and means for removal make the work safe, clean and less stressful for the plant.


Additionally, these qualified artisans possess a solid understanding of plant biology, which is no small thing when you consider cutting into a live tree. Much care and strategy are required to assure your tree will retain its hardiness and aesthetic appeal. Unnecessary or harsh trimming may cause a tree to suffer shock and impede further growth.


There are multiple factors involved in the care of your trees and you will save a lot of time, money, sweat and tears if you look to the professionals for guidance and service. Remember, damage done by a novice cannot be remedied.


Whether going for a natural look or something more sculpted, have your tree pruning done right the first time and enjoy many years of filtered light, dappled shade and dancing leaves.